Back in 2015 Mark and Marta approached us at Glastonbury to say they’d been gifted a Hugh Piggott turbine which they’d love to install at their home in Somerset, and so began a beautiful friendship..
We visited Rockaway Park on the way back from teaching in Cornwall in January 2016 and where amazed! Not only by the cavern of fantastical salvagtion hidden in an old quarry including Mark and Marta’s home which they had formed almost entirely from scrap but also from Marta’s fantastic vegan cookery!
It turned out the turbine wasn’t a Piggott but was perhaps a student project inspired by Hugh but with it’s own eccentricities.
We resolved to return and run a course there, where we would incorporate installing the turbine.. it didn’t exactly work out like this but the participants loved the venue and in December we finished installing a battery charging system with their blades on one of our truly Piggott alternators.